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Silence in the Face of Injustice?

February is Black History Month, a time to commemorate achievements by African Americans and recognize their role in U.S. history. However, while we should remember and honor the past, it is equally important to honor what is happening in our communities today and how we might move forward to a better future.

As a result of the death of George Floyd and others, 2020 was a year that moved social justice initiatives to the forefront. These injustices not only illuminated issues of unequal and unjust policing, they demonstrated a sharp racial divide and a dire need for change.

Too little has been done for too long; it is time for America to face an important self-reckoning about race, diversity, equality, and inclusion. We must recognize our system is broken and find solutions. We can no longer casually close our eyes and ears to the fact that a large segment of our population believes that their lives do not matter to the rest of us. Change will not happen overnight, but understanding, compassion, and brotherhood will someday, hopefully soon, produce a better America.

I have never been one to be silent and do nothing—my Zachary Blake Legal Thriller novels seek to educate, inform, suggest, and implement better ways to deal with social justice issues affecting all of us. Hopefully, people will read them and embrace their intent, whether or not they agree with their suggested solutions.

In honor of Black History Month, the e-book price for Betrayal in Black, the fourth novel of the series, has drastically reduced. If you have not yet read it, please grab a copy for just $0.99 on Amazon or through my website bookstore. Thanks for your support.

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